When the Garden Gives you Basil...
Pesto is a personal favorite of mine and so easy to make. At the end of summer my basil plants are usually overgrown because I've lost...

A White Christmas
Being from Minnesota, every Christmas was a white Christmas. Living in Seattle, Christmas is usually never white unless you seek it out....

Thankful for Nature
Usually by Thanksgiving, winter has begun back home. Here in Seattle it still feels like fall. It may be a bit drizzly and damp but...

When the Garden Gives you Plums...
Seattle is home to a lot of fruit trees. I'm lucky to have a friend with two Italian Plum trees. After receiving multiple bags of plums...

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum: Part I
When I was hope in early September, we really got our garden on. The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum is always a great way to spend an...

Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden
If the question of what should we go do ever comes up, the answer is always visit a garden! When we travel I always look if there are any...