Minnesota Landscape Arboretum: Part II
Plant Highlights from my Minnesota Landscape Arboretum visit.
-Eastern Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus) has these wonderfully odd berries followed by great fall color. Related to the popular burning bush, it's surprising you don't see these more often.
-White Japanese Anemone is a fall-bloomer. I like them so much more than asters and mums and they love part sun. Win, win, win.
-Blackberry Lily (Belamcanda chinensis) is a multi-season stunner. Attractive orange freckled blooms are followed by these blackberry-like fruit in late summer. No deadheading required.
-Cardinal Climber (Ipomoea sloteri) is related to the morning glory but the foliage is so much more interesting.
-Willie Willie Dahlia has rolled petals which create a unique look. Stands out against the hundreds of other dahlia varieties.
-Toad Lily (Tricyrtis hirta) is another part sun fall bloomer. The speckled, orchid-like flowers beg you for a closer look that no one can refuse.
-Hardy Hibiscus have dinner plate sized blooms. They are so fun to see in a northern landscape as they have such a tropical appeal.
-Pom Pom Dahlia are so cute. The pollinators clearly love them so I feel okay declaring them the bee's knees.
-Pink Japanese Anemone are the same as the white varieties but in shades of soft pink. I'm not a soft pink flower fan usually but fall-blooming anemones are an exception.